The founders_1
3 min read

Announcing Forecast's $5.5M funding round

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14 min read

9 Ways to Measure the Health of Your Sprints

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8 min read

Why Spreadsheets Have No Happy Endings

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Sprint search
2 min read

Forecast Releases New Amazing Sprint Planning Features

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11 min read

The Connected Value of Forecast & Jira in Project Management

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8 min read

6 Steps to Use Scheduling to Get a Higher Utilization

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6 min read

How to Provide Feedback in Agile Teams: Expert Tips

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6 min read

Eliminate all manual processes of resource and project management with the help of Artificial Intelligence

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5 min read

What does a Project Manager do? (Plus typical challenges they face.)

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5 min read

3 Simple Ways to Improved Business Performance by Using AI

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2 min read

Forecast Selected As a Top Resource Management Tool of 2019

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4 min read

How tracking tools help you manage projects better

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Project List-1
4 min read

Selecting The Best Project Management Solution to Integrate with your Accounting System

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7 min read

Forecast: 2018 in Review

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4 min read

3 New Features You May Have Missed

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Collaborators View_w_browser
4 min read

How to schedule team members with task management in mind (Tips for Agile Teams)

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6 min read

How Developers at Forecast Use Forecast

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3 min read

How Sales and Customer Success at Forecast Use Forecast

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Marketing Workflow Board in Forecast
9 min read

How Marketing at Forecast Uses Forecast

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Marketing team devising their content strategy
7 min read

How to Run Your Best Content Marketing Project Yet

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